The Board of Festival Fleurieu has a Festival Fleurieu Patrons Program to encourage support for the continuing development and success of the Fleurieu Coast’s signature arts, environment, history and culinary events. Over time, the Patrons Program will evolve as a roll call of people whose passion for the region’s creative arts community Festival is matched by their generosity and support of a sustainable festival.
Our first patron is Alison Fort, appointed In recognition of her design prowess, and her passion and commitment, professionalism, patience and soulful engagement with the people who are the fabric of the Festival community.
And the board is pleased to announce the appointment of our newest patron, Lorraine McLoughlin.
Alison Fort

Alison Fort is a designer and artist with a heart for community and the arts. Throughout a professional career spanning over four decades, Alison has worked with local and international brands and businesses crafting logos and corporate identities, advertising and all manner of promotions and communications. A constant in Alison’s life is pro-bono work for worthy causes and organisations, which often have a marvellous spirit and strong direction but are in need of visual communications. Alison has helped dozens of community groups, charities and not-for-profits beautifully express their vision through their corporate image. Alison is a woman deeply connected to the Fleurieu.
“Although I have now embarked on a life on the road, and before that I lived and worked on the fringes of the city for many years, I have always found myself drawn to this place. I feel privileged to still have not one; but two communities that I am thoroughly immersed in, if not physically. The people, the food, the art and craft, and the music down here, the warm and welcoming attitude … there’s so much to love about the Fleurieu. It’s very much a place with its own distinct personality … and a number of characters of its own too!”
Lorraine McLoughlin

At a breakfast meeting of the Yankalilla Commerce and Community Association (YACCA) in February 2004, business and community members discussed the need for events to bring people to the district outside peak tourism times. An arts festival was mooted and, in order to fire creativity and enthusiasm, Erika Inhofer of Studio 13 suggested focusing on the beautiful leafy seadragons which swim in local waters.
It worked, and the festival became a regular event. Like the Leafy itself, the festival morphs into various shapes as individuals come and go and circumstances change. With resilience and innovation, it continues, as Festival Fleurieu, to involve new people and ideas, underpinned by many volunteers and the district’s large and vigorous network of people involved in the arts.
As convenor of that inaugural meeting, and the 2005, 2007 and 2013 festivals, I am thrilled that the festivals continue. I congratulate the hardworking and innovative organisers of this amazing tenth festival and applaud their continuing belief in the potential of arts to contribute to the district’s economy and sense of community.